Antiracist Education

Course Code (in greek): 
ECTS Units: 
Pantazis Vassilis A.

The aim of the course is to inform, enlighten and sensitise the students on the rapid cultural changes of societies into multicultural ones, the new duties that the school and the educators have to deal with in contemporary society. The course seeks to help the students to acquire knowledge and reflect on their cultural perceptions, values, expectations, visions and prejudice, the stereotypes and misunderstandings that influence the context of teaching and the  way that messages are transmitted and received by students.
The course includes: terminological issues, nation, state, culture, racism, education and multicultural society today, intercultural communication, anti-racist education, pluralism and diversity in a democratic framework, migration and indigenous minority issues, refugee issues, curriculum and classroom organisation, and school development.

analytiko_perigramma_antiratsistiki_ekpaideysi_v._pantazis.pdf420.16 KB
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