Blended Short-cycle Training Courses on 'Commoning Practices' (ComPra)

Pechtelidis Yannis
IKY (EL01 Greek State Scholarship's Foundation)
Start Date: 
End Date: 

Project’s aim is to enable university students on Education Sciences, Social Sciences and Communication to explore values and practices of commons pedagogy and become acquainted on using innovative methodologies and tools leading to the development of a commons-based educational environment helping children to act as “commoners”. Through the development of Short-cycle training courses on “Commoning Practices”, based on a blended learning scheme, university students will gain theoretical and practical knowledge around the “commons” discourse (commons’ logic of sharing and caring, fair and open relations, co-participation in the production or provision of knowledge) and develop skills for building/strengthening the identity of commoner both for them and their future students.