Educational Administration and Policy

Course Code (in greek): 
ECTS Units: 
Lainas Athanassios

Aim: The study of [selected] theoretical issues related to the administration of school education and the formulation and application of educational policy.  In addition, the analytical review of the relevant institutions, arrangements and practices in Greek school education.

Description: The subject covers issues such as: the evolution of the administrative thought and Educational Administration as a field of study.  Decentralisation in the administration of school education.  The work of educational administrators, training and selection of educational administrators. Leadership and motivation in education. Decision making, innovations and reforms in education. Job satisfaction and job stress in school education. Models of educational policy.  Main actors and the process cycle of educational policy in Greece. Quality and effectiveness in school education.  Administrative law in school administration and policy.  Data collection and statistics in educational administration and policy

Assessment: Written examinations at the end of the semester