Sociology of Education

Course Code (in greek): 
ECTS Units: 
Pechtelidis Yannis


This course examines the relationship between education and society. The course addresses major debates about the social significance and impact of educational policy, provision, processes and practice in Greece and many countries around the world. It aims to explore all phases of formal and informal education. It investigates the politics of education, social stratification and mobility, the social dimensions of all aspects of pedagogy, and educational experiences from those of the privileged to those of the most disadvantaged. The value of the course is sustained by its commitment to offer critical evaluations of the ways in which education interfaces with local, national, and global contexts and agendas.

Learning Outcomes: Understanding and implementing the main sociological theories of education. Familiarity with a variety of sociological tools in order to be able to analyse the role of education in society in addressing social inequality and enabling active social inclusion.

Assessment – Coursework (short length essays) and written exam

Teaching methods: The course consists of lectures, critical approach of the various theories on education and discussion on selected texts, connection with educational practice with examples of empirical research, and exercises.

Course material available at: