Applications of Critical Pedagogy into Education Praxis

Course Code (in greek): 
Course Type: 
ECTS Units: 
Adjunct Professor

Course description

The goal of the course is to redefine the concept of excellence in Early Childhood Education (ECE) in order to equally enhance the development of all children, regardless of their socio-economic and cultural background. More specifically, the course aims at: (a) Establishing a coherent theoretical framework defining ‘excellence,’ ‘equity,’ and their interrelation, towards ensuring high-level education outcomes for all. (b) Exploring teachers' views on equity and excellence in ECE and their relevant educational design practices. (c) Developing and implementing a pre-service teacher-training program to provide students with a comprehensive body of knowledge and competencies to actively participate in shaping a high-quality ECE for all young children (age 4-8).

Learning outcomes

By the end of the semester, students are expected to be able to immerse throughout theoretical issues related to the cultivation of equality and excellence in ECE, to study and evaluate educational material based on critical education perspectives, to design, develop and implement activities in ECE aimed at cultivating equality and excellence for all young children.


The student assessment is based on papers that are developed and submitted throughout the course of the semester.

Teaching methods

Teaching methods are based on lectures as well as small-group seminars.

Course material available at: