Theory of Preschool Education

Course Code (in greek): 
ECTS Units: 
Adjunct Professor

Course description

The course analyses the basic concepts and terminology of Pedagogical Science and, more specifically, of Preschool Pedagogy. It includes a historical retrospect to the important Pedagogical figures from the ancient times to the mid of 20th century, in order to systematic present and highlight the basic pedagogical concerns, as well as the innovations they introduced to science. The main aim is to connect the current preschool theory and practice with historical elements of the past and highlight the continuity and the evolution of pedagogical thinking. Alongside, basic pedagogical issues are discussed, concepts and terms from a critical point of view, in order to raise concern and achieve the theoretical and scientific knowledge of students, so as they are able to utilize and manage this knowledge effectively in respective issues during their future teaching practice.

Learning outcomes

Students are expected to:

  • Acquire deep understanding of the timeless pedagogical concerns
  • Recognize the impact of the various pedagogical theories in the current preschool practice
  • Reflect and criticize the pedagogical approaches and the past and the present

Form their own pedagogical thinking and identity, as they recognize how they are influenced by the historical development of preschool education


  • Written quiz in the middle of the semester (30%)
  • Written exams by the end of the semester (70%)

Teaching methods

Enriched lectures, discussion, brainstorming, analysis of case studies, group assignments

Course material available at: