Quality Assurance

The organization and function of the Pedagogical Faculty of Pre-School Education of the University of Thessaly is based on the provisions contained both in the Presidential Decree 320/83 and in the Act. 1268/82. More specifically, according to article 1 of paragraph 2 of the Act. 12/68, the mission of the Pedagogical Faculties is:
a)    the cultivation and promotion of the Pedagogical Sciences, combining the academic and applied teaching and research
b)    the provision of the necessary equipment to students which will ensure superior training regarding both their scientific and professional career.
c)    The contribution to the rise of the educational level and the coverage of its growing needs.
d)    The contribution to the treatment and resolution of the pedagogical problems generally (article 2 of the Presintential Degree 320/83).

1.1    Quality Policy
The Pedagogical Faculty of Pre-School Education is committed to the development and adjustment of the quality policy of the provided Undergraduate Programme of Studies (UPS), harmonised with the quality assurance policy of the University of Thessaly. The Faculty is committed to the determination  and the implementation of quality objectives which aim generally to the functional support and more specifically, to the support of the academic figure and the scientific orientation of the  Undergraduate Programme of Studies (UPS). It is aimed at the continuous assurance and improvement of the quality of the Faculty’ s produced educating, scientific, research and administrative work as well as the implementation of its strategic goals, determining the means and the ways to accomplish according to the a) indicated quality procedures and b) both the international academic standards and the national competent authority’ s standards.

The Faculty is committed to the determination and implementation of specific actions that ensure the aims of the Undergraduate Programme of Studies, on the base of procedures that promote both transparency and academic- liberty. In particular, the Undergraduate Programme of Studies (UPS) aims at: the provision of high-quality education on the base of connection between teaching and research, utilising modern and international scientifical developments in the relative fields of the Undergraduate Programme of Studies (UPS), the provision of high-quality student-centred education, cultivating the scientific rumination in combination with the configuration of a free academical environment and a free academical culture which promotes the critical thought and contributes to the configuration of integrated and democratic educators, the provision of knowledge  focused on an applied direction, emphasising on workshops and  on the interaction with the labour market, the connection between the science and community and the promotion of the utilising scientific knowledge to encounter social needs.

1.2    Assurance Policy
The responsibility of the configuration and the approval of the quality assurance policy of the Undergraduate Programme of Studies (UPS) is upon the Faculty’s Assembly. The quality assurance of the Undergraduate Programme of Studies (UPS) of the Pedagogical Faculty of Pre-School Education (PFPE) is accomplished through continuous observation procedures and periodic internal evaluation, in which all the parties contribute, as well as the Faculty’s individual committees, such as the Programme of Studies Committee and the Internal Evaluation Team- (IET). The quality assurance policy of the Pedagogical Faculty of Pre-School Education is communicated via Faculty’s website special link  (http://www.ece.uth.gr/main/el/content/3462-politiki-diasfalisis-poiotita...), where all the relevant information is posted (Assurance Quality Policy Statement, Aiming and Action Planning, etc.).

1.3 Aiming and Action Planning.                                                                 According to the above, the Pedagogical Faculty of Pre-School Education, aiming the assurance quality, plans actions and aims regarding the quality assurance and improvement of the educating process, the promotion of the applied knowledge in connection with the labour market and the society. The aiming and action planning aspects include evaluation and review procedures of the Undergraduate Programme of Studies (e.g Undergraduate Programme of Studies valuation in consultation with the stakeholders), Undergraduate Programme of Studies modernisation (e.g educational problems’ register in combination with the lessons’ evaluation), students’ international mobility support (e.g  mobility action information support), students’ research activities support (e.g evaluation of the difficulties students faced by undertaking graduate works), improvement of the Faculty’s provided students’ services (e.g valuation and review provided services such as the e-secretary, students’ with disabilities support services SWD, the function of the «Professor Counsellor»), provided teaching assignment quality assistance (educational stuff preparatory visits encouragement), keeping in contact with stakeholders from the labour market and with Faculty’s graduates, students’ paid training support and training stakeholders enlargement, strengthening of the Faculty’s outward-looking policy and its connection with the society (actions and events accessible to the public).