The Procedure of Evaluation in Preschool Education

Course Code (in greek): 
ECTS Units: 
Adjunct Professor

Course description

This course focuses on the concept, the types, the process and the tools of evaluation in preschool education, to facilitate students to be able to design, provide feedback and develop their teaching practice by applying alternative forms of evaluation, which are developmentally appropriate for preschool years. The course includes the analysis of the main evaluation concepts, the role of evaluation during the past of time, the multiple forms of evaluation and their characteristic, the tools and the particularity of preschool education that determine the alternative forms of evaluation. Specifically, it presents theoretical and practical issues concerning the application of systematic observation, the child’s portfolio and the evaluation of projects.  Moreover, the theory and the steps of evaluation as a process are presented, since they are included in the present Curriculum. It is also highlighted the role evaluation in preschool education to improve and reflect on the teaching and learning process, as well as to promote the professional development of teachers.

The course includes assignments and workshops in applying the evaluation methods, the multiple tools and the design of appropriate tools for preschool education settings.

Learning outcomes

Students are expected to:

  • Select the appropriate evaluation method and technique according to pedagogical and instructional criteria
  •  Design their own tools, appropriate for the preschool education years and the aligned to the aim of their evaluation
  •  Criticize prescribed evaluation tools, in order to be able to select the most appropriate
  • Insert evaluation designs into their instructional plans and projects.
  • Analyze and interpret the evaluation data, reflect and change accordingly their teaching.


  1. Written exams by the end of the semester (55%)
  2. Written essay and presentation (35%)

Group assignment (10%)

Teaching methods

Enriched lectures, discussion, simulation, analysis of case studies and critical incidents, group assignments

Course material available at: