Discourse analysis: Methodological applications in clinical psychology

Course Code (in greek): 
Course Type: 
ECTS Units: 
Tseliou Eleftheria

Course description

The course aims at training students in the research methodologies of discourse analysis and conversation analysis and to familiarize them with such methodologies’ applications in the field of clinical psychology, so that students can utilize them to conduct psychological and educational research. Furthermore, the course aims at training students in writing up a research proposal by utilizing discourse and conversation analysis methodologies. The course contents include: Philosophical and epistemological approaches in discourse analysis and conversation analysis, the place of discourse analysis and conversation analysis within qualitative research approaches, different trends in discourse analytic research (discursive psychology, post-structural discourse analysis, critical discursive social psychology), the basic principles of discourse analysis and conversation analysis, the basic principles of designing and conducting empirical research by means of discourse and conversation analysis (research design), the framing of research questions in discourse analytic and conversation analytic research studies, data collection in discourse and conversation analytic studies, ethics and data analysis in discourse and conversation analytic studies, quality appraisal in discourse and conversation analytic studies (validity, reliability and reflexivity), applications of discourse analysis and conversation analysis in clinical psychology (counseling and psychotherapy process research). The course design includes seminars, lectures and reflexive processes and presupposes students’ active participation.

Learning outcomes

Upon the successful completion of the course, students are expected to:

  • have familiarized themselves with the basics features of discourse and conversation analysis methodologies
  • have familiarized themselves with the various trends in discourse analytic research
  • have familiarized themselves with the basic epistemological approaches of discourse analytic research methodologies
  • to know and be able to discern the different methodological approaches undertaken by the different trends in discourse and conversation analysis
  • to know and be able to discern the relationship between discourse and conversation analysis with other qualitative research approaches
  • to have familiarized themselves with the potential of discourse and conversation analysis methodologies for clinical psychological research
  • to have familiarized themselves with every step in the research process of conducting a discourse and a conversation analytic study
  • to be able to design a research proposal for a discourse/conversation analytic study

Assessment methods

Research proposal paper in small groups (50%), oral exams and paper presentation on an individual basis at the end of the semester (50%).


Teaching methods

Lectures and seminars.

Course detailed description and course material available at: https://eclass.uth.gr