Nikonanou Niki

Ακαδημαϊκή Βαθμίδα: 
Associate Professor
Γνωστικό Αντικείμενο: 
Museum Education
Telephone Number: 
niknik [at] uth [dot] gr
Curriculum Vitae: 

Niki Nikonanou is Associate Professor in Museum Education, at the Department of Early Childhood Education, University of Thessaly.  From 2002-2010 she served as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Cultural Technology and Communication in the University of the Aegean. She has studied German Language and Literature (B.A.), Art History (M.A.) and Museum-Education (Ph.D.) at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece) and at the University of Cologne (Germany). She has developed many museum education programmes and activities and has participated in the organisation of several exhibitions. She is research partner in EU founded programmes (Socrates, Euromed Heritage II, III, Interreg III, Chiron, Eunamus, H2020-Smooth). She has published several articles in Greek and international scientific publications, journals and conference proceedings. Her research interests include: 

  • theory and practice of museum-education, 
  • art education in museums (visual arts, theatre, music), 
  • museum learning and experience through digital technologies, 
  • the social dimension of museums and cultural institutions, 
  • issues of participation and inclusion in cultural education, curating and experimental projects,  
  • critical cultural mediation.