Organisation of the Greek Educational System II

Course Code (in greek): 
ECTS Units: 
Lainas Athanassios

Course description

Τhis course aims at the systematic study and global presentation of the educational (more exactly the school) system in Greece and the familiarization of students with the current institutional framework of organization, administration and function of school education.

Through the attendance of the two courses bearing the same title [Organization of the Greek Educational System  I  &  II] students, as future educators, will have the opportunity to become familiarized with the environment and the institutional context, within which they are expected to work, understand better their roles which they will be called to undertake and to realize the obligations and  rights they will have as members of the teaching staff of school education sector.

In addition, this course will assist students understand other courses concerning and referring either to the Greek educational / school system or to the respective educational systems of other countries.

During the lectures of the elective course “Organization of the Greek Educational System  II” (5th semester), continuing the respective compulsory course in the 3rd and 4th semesters, various topics are discussed, including: The structure of the educational system on the basis of levels of education and of types of schools: special cases (experimental schools, music schools, fine arts schools, seminary schools, evening schools, special education schools, multicultural schools, Greek schools abroad, muslim minority schools, schools of foreign countries in Greece etc.);  Private / non state education in Greece. Adult education in Greece; The service status and the development of schools teaching staff (the service status for teachers, the legislative code for civil servants, initial and in-service training for school teachers, selection and appointment, transfers, assessment, promotions of teachers, disciplinary law, rights and obligations of teachers etc.); Operation of school units and issues concerning school pupils (the establishment of schools, school area, school / teaching year, registration, transfers, attendance and promotion of pupils, study and leaving certifications, official records and books in schools etc.).

 Expected learning outcomes

By the end of this course, students are expected to:

► know the main characteristics of the Greek Educational System and particularly those of the school system

►have a clear perspective of the structure and the way of function of the school education system in Greece

► know the diachronic development and the formation of the more important administrative institutions of the school education system

►know the different types of school units in Greece and the basic characteristics of each type

►know the basic institutional framework which regulates the professional development and the career of the school teaching staff in Greece

►realize the rights and the duties which they will have as school teachers as well the rights and the duties which all other people involved in the system of school education in Greece have

►know the internal organization and function of school units in Greece

►know the legal provisions concerning school pupils within the Greek Educational System

► have acquired basic knowledge and skills for exercising administrative duties, which may be asked to undertake either as members of school staff or as school leaders

► realize the importance of educational legislation / law for the operation of the school education system

► be able to interrelate the legal provisions and the institutions of the Greek Educational System with the respective provisions and institutions of other educational systems


 Written exams at the end of the semester

 Teaching method


 Course material available at: